5 week course
New dates TBC
This course is for those who are new to Mindfulness and want to learn Mindfulness practices in a supportive setting.
Evidence shows that learning and practicing Mindfulness brings many benefits including:
• Reduction in feelings of stress, anxiety and burnout
• A better ability to manage thoughts and behaviour
• An increase in coping skills, motivation, planning and problem solving.
• Feeling calmer and more focused
• Feeling more self-compassionate, self-kindness and self-caring
Programme overview:
• Week 1: Mindful awareness and focus
• Week 2: Gaining calm and control
• Week 3: Kindness and self-compassion
• Week 4: Managing difficult & big emotions
Week 5: Mindful me and moving forward
The course costs £90 per person and is inclusive of all resources/materials/refrshements.
Places are limited so don’t delay in booking yours.